What Can an Advisor-Friendly Trust Partner Do for You?

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Advisors should ask about the trust company’s dedication to its relationship with them. Dedicated trusts give advisors a single point of contact and are responsible for communication and coordination. As a result, they can provide the same level of service as a trusted advisor. Advisor-friendly trusts allocate a dedicated trust officer to each account, making it easy to communicate and coordinate.

Advice from a Trust Advisor Concierge

You might wonder what’s so different about Advice from a Trust Advisor Concierge. In other words, what makes it different from the rest? The answer to this question may surprise you. It’s all about the people. The people who work at National Advisors aren’t robots; they’re human. And they’ve got it right. The trust industry is very sticky. It resists automation. Whether dealing with exotic assets, interpreting grantors, or anticipating beneficiaries, trust-linked accounts demand human resources.

A Trust Advisor Concierge is a service provided by a financial advisor who is bound by a fiduciary obligation to his client. Most financial advisors must sign a fiduciary agreement before offering this service. Moreover, a Trust Advisor Concierge can be as affordable as a traditional financial advisor because they are independent.

Benefits of working with Dunham Trust Company

Using an adviser friendly trust partner has a number of advantages, including the ability to avoid conflicts of interest. For example, trust companies aren’t subject to any outside corporate interests and typically don’t offer commissions or proprietary investment products. Many also don’t take custody of trust assets, which is particularly important for independent advisors. Instead, many companies that provide trust services let their clients’ advisors manage their assets and collect fees for that management.

One of the primary benefits of an advisor-friendly trust partner is that they’re willing to work with you to select the best investment manager for your client. Many advisors prefer to delegate investment functions to an independent company in financial planning. While many clients prefer to direct their advisors, they’d often prefer an entirely separate advisor. These professionals usually don’t have anything to hide from their trusted company. However, there is a downside to a directed advisor.

Choosing a Directed Trust Company

The Advisor-Friendly Trust Company is a company that is designed to improve the client-advisor relationship. The typical trust officer and client relationship are long-term, and a possible referral has both human and technological resources to achieve superior outcomes for the client. In addition, a trusted company should provide more than a vague promise and be financially sound and operationally efficient. These attributes are critical for clients who demand long-term relationships with their advisors and want their investments handled by a trusted party.

Working with an advisor-friendly trust company extends beyond providing standard services. It also provides unbundled trust administration solutions. Many outsourced providers specialize in one or two areas but have no desire to compete with a trusted advisor. This can be difficult to differentiate yourself from other advisors and avoid a mediocre experience. These companies have been around for years and have a reputation in the industry.

Choosing a Peak Trust Company

When working with an advisor-friendly trust company, you must look for more than a vague promise. Advisor-friendly trust companies need the technology and human resources to meet their clients’ needs. In addition, they must provide better outcomes for clients.

Choose a trustee who is not interested in poaching your financial advisor. Many financial institutions view such relationships as conflicts of interest.


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