Naruto is an anime with a unique and popular style. The series tells the story of Naruto, who has to become Hokage (the leader) before his bells officiallylled in order for him not only lead but also protect those around them; though this seems like wishful thinking at first because he isn’t particularly strong or talented when we first meet our hero – which makes sense since most people don’t get any powers until much later on… But there are certain things aboutnaruto that make it worth watching: its fast-paced combat scenes where ninja use chakra(a typeif controlled energy); cool saber battles between lightiningfast pacedadventure awaits!
The most epic show in history, Naruto is finally here! This sketch will make you want to watch all of the seasons.
The great ninja, Naruto is always ready for battle! This sketch features the popular character from one of Japan’s most well known anime series.
Step 1
Let’s start by drawing a stickman. About 13 years old, Naruto is a skinny teenager. In comparison to an adult, our hero has much smaller shoulders. He should appear to have a larger head in relation to his shoulders than adults.
Step 2
You can proceed to the second step and draw the body silhouette if your stickman looks like our sample. Create simple shapes to represent the body, hands, and feet. We should avoid using athletic figures at this stage. Because Naruto has a thin body, we should avoid using muscular figures.
It is especially important to take care of the neck, forearms, and lower legs. Although they are not clearly visible, they need to be taken care of. However, they all contribute to a slim or athletic body. The Incredible Hulk is an example.
Step 4
Identifying the anime’s style? When we first see a character, we look at the face and, especially, at the eyes. The next step will be to draw the eyes. The eyes should be drawn large and elongated if you want to draw them.
Step 5
In the next step, we will draw Naruto’s jacket. Notice how the fabric is folded. Notice the clasp – as you can see, it begins at the collar and runs the length of the jacket.
Step 6
This step involves drawing the final contours of the hand and erasing unnecessary lines from the previous steps. It can be intimidating to draw the hands. Examine Naruto’s hands on each picture.
Step 7
The next step is to sketch Naruto’s legs and pants.
Step 8
The next step is to draw shadows. In Naruto’s original story, there were no shadows to be seen. For this reason, we did not make the complex shadow pattern. The shadows can simply be drawn and painted. If you are drawing shadows, be careful not to press too hard on the pencil. Move the pencil lightly.
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