Modern Luxury Dog Beds: Are They Worth Buying?

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After an active day of chasing, digging, and barking at unknown persons, your dog wants nothing else than a pleasant sleep. As a dog owner, you must have observed that pups sleep for long hours, with some breeds and dog age groups sleeping for 12 to 14 hours each day. (Hey, if your dog sleeps longer, there’s no need to worry.) That said, we can’t overemphasize the benefits of providing a good quality bed for your dog – as you’ll discover soon. 

A rule of thumb you must have experienced yourself is that good quality products often provide more value than the cheap stuff. Compare a pricier toilet paper, for instance, with the most inexpensive rolls on the rack. 

You always prefer the better quality product at the end of the day. It’s the same story with buying modern luxury dog beds for your furry friend. Let’s examine the benefits of a great luxury dog bed and things to note before buying one.

Benefits of a Luxury Dog Bed

There’s nothing as relaxing and rejuvenating as a great nap at night. While everyone loves buying at the least obtainable price, such an approach doesn’t apply to every item – like dog beds.

Cheap mattresses often come in the form of thin mats. They don’t have any comfy faux fur lining, no thick memory foam, and almost feel like bare ground. Conversely, luxury dog beds have many features to aid in your pup’s sleep.

For instance, some modern luxury dog beds have gel memory foam to relieve joints and neck bolsters for additional comfort. Other perks of cozy dog beds include a headrest, reduced carbon footprint, and cooling materials. Here’s how such high-quality products can help you and your canine buddies.

Luxury Dog Beds Are Good for Your Pup’s Health

You probably spend the night between at least two cozy pillows. Buying a luxury dog bed for small dogs to sleep on would provide the relief they need in all their joints and pressure points

A thick foam mattress would support your pet’s neck, hips, and back. Remember what happened the last time you used the wrong bed? You probably woke up feeling miserable. A thick foam mattress will protect your pup from feeling the same way.

Modern Luxury Dog Beds Ensure Better Sleep

Buying your luxury dog a comfy spot would help it sleep better. Moreover, memory foams and cooling gel would help keep dogs from overheating. They’ll provide all the orthopedic support your pups need to stay asleep all night.

Luxury Dog Beds Are Easy to Clean

Luxury dog beds won’t just benefit your pup; they also directly help the parents. Many modern dog beds come easy to wash, making it easier to use them throughout the product’s lifetime. Luxury washable dog beds are great to give your canine buddy constant comfort, while easing your dog parenting when it’s time to clean up the dog home.

Older Dogs Feel Younger on Luxury Beds

Older dogs need modern luxury dog beds for another reason other than the above. They need the thicker padding, cooling gel material – everything in a luxury bed – to feel younger. Low-quality beds will make it difficult for their old joints to loosen up. Keep your older dog feeling agile by rewarding its long-time companionship with a lovely, comfy dog bed.

Why Not Get Cheaper Beds for Your Pup?

It isn’t worth it buying $30 mattresses several times a year. We understand, you don’t want to be extravagant over a luxury dog bed because it appears pricey. But take some time to consider a few things alongside your daily preferences. 

No one loves wasting money on anything. If you get a low-quality bed, It’s already certain that you’ll have to purchase another dog bed in a few months. For instance, your pup would chew it to bits, or it could disintegrate during washing. Don’t you think it’d be great not to bother about replacing the dog bed after a long while?

Again, nobody loves sleeping on the bare floor. Cheap dog mats or beds are only a little better than the hard ground for your dogs. The comfort you offer by getting luxury dog beds for large dogs, for instance, far outweighs giving them flat stuff for their nighttime. Your dog certainly deserves better.

Lastly, do you rationalize buying a cheap product when considering buying toilet paper? You understand that more quality products are always better. More often than not, purchasing the most inexpensive dog bed could end in regrets.

What to Look for When Buying a Modern Luxury Dog Bed?

A dog bed is a place for comfort and security for your canine buddies. It only belongs to your dog, and they should always feel comfortable and safe in them. Whether you’re buying luxury dog beds for your small dogs or you want to replace your older dog’s home, it’s crucial to do extensive research before getting one. Here are a few things to note when purchasing a luxury dog bed:

  • If your dog is young and likes chewing, consider getting a more durable bed that doesn’t permit chewing
  • Choose an accurate bed for your small dog. Your dog shouldn’t hang off the furniture
  • Dogs vomit, pass gas, scratch fleas, and even pee on their beds. You want a washable luxury bed that’s easy to throw into the washing machine
  • Lastly, consider materials that won’t harm the environment. It’d help to ensure that your chosen materials can help promote the sustainable use of raw materials and natural resources

Final Words

Your pup will undoubtedly feel more comfortable with you for getting it a modern luxury dog bed. Buying a better dog bed won’t only prevent you from having to replace your pup’s bed within a few months. Your canine buddy would also sleep better, get more refreshed, and love that you got it in its own space.

If you don’t want your dog staying on your comfortable memory foam mattress, then you want to get it a cozy personal space. Every dog owner wants their dog to be at its most energetic, lively self, and sleeping on a flatbed isn’t going to do it. Getting a comfortable dog bed helps with arriving at that objective.

Is it worth it buying your dog a modern luxury bed? Most definitely, it does. You’ll save money over the long haul – and your dog would feel better and experience less pain as it grows older. Get a luxury bed for your favorite pet and reward its companionship and loyalty while with you.


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